E-bike riding technique course

Safe on the e-mountain bike

Safely on the road with your e-bike. In this course, beginners and those switching to e-biking will learn the special features of e-biking. You will learn in a fun way how to safely ride on paths in nature and at the same time learn more about how to handle your e-bike correctly.

Course content:

After a short introduction and information session as well as an intensive bike and equipment check directly at our meeting point, we will then drive together to our practice area where we will learn about the handling and special features of the


- Settings on the bike (seating position, shock absorber, fork, etc.)

- BATTERY management

- Basic posture on the bike

- Balance

- Active posture and movement

- Correct braking even on unpaved surfaces and slopes

- Correctly driving on unpaved roads, trails, bumps and obstacles

- Correct shifting and gear selection

- Curve techniques (basic, wide curves)

- Correct and safe starting and dismounting on a mountain

- Appropriate reaction, braking and dismounting in dangerous situations

- What to do in case of a fall, flat foot or defect?

Afterwards we go directly from the practice area to slightly technical paths and trails where we put what we have learned into practice in a fun way.

At around 1.30 p.m. we will take a leisurely break at a house in the Palatinate Forest.

Afterwards, strengthened and refreshed, we continue on great paths and trails with beautiful viewpoints and past fabulous rock formations, back to the starting point.

Conditional claim: Approx. 30 km and general physical fitness

Technical requirements: Beginners and bikers who want to learn or consolidate the basic techniques.

Requirement:Functional bike (also charged battery)



Ideally glasses (plastic lenses)

Start and finish: Parking lot below the village community center

Sonnenstraße 9 in 66996 Schindhard near Dahn

Fixed dates 2024:

SA 23.03 / SA 13.04 / SUN 05.05 / SAT 06.07

SA 17.08 / SA 05.10 / SA 19.10 / SUN 03.11

The courses are provisional dates and usually take place with a minimum of 3 people.

Time frame:The course starts at 9.30 a.m. and ends at 4.00 p.m.-4.30 p.m.

Price:89.- € per person

Guide and trainer: Peter Breitsch

Info and contact: 0176-83679104

Other appointments: Can be booked individually at any time, even during the week and, on request, for you personally or as a couple.

A notice:

Depending on the weather and personal needs, please bring:

Small backpack with rain jacket and change of clothes, water bottle, possibly bar or snack and some money for refreshment.

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